Saturday, December 10, 2011

Sharing Web Resources

I followed the British Association for Early Childhood Education-  This organization founded in 1923.  The British association for Early Childhood Education advocates quality education for children.  It develops and supports programs for families and children.
The section in the website on Projects and Grants: discussed a new initiative called “New Nursery Schools Now” which advocates the importance of nursery schools in England.  A grant is provided which will allow professionals to research and illustrate effective practices for nursery schools.
Over the past weeks I have been following the Harlem Children’s Zone.  The HCZ organization starts from early childhood to 12th grade and further.  The organization provides equal opportunities to all children.  In studying the HCZ I realized that this is a large community with many dimensions. Once children have completed and early learning program they should be provided with resources to move on to the next level.  The HCZ follows its students throughout their educational experiences which is highly admired.


  1. Thank you for sharing your resources and insights. I think is great to look at other countries and see what they are doing and learning from their experiences as well.

  2. I enjoyed reading your post about the Harlen Children's Zone. They sound like a great organization with folow-though on the luves of children. Great reources.
