Monday, December 19, 2011

Getting to Know Your International Contacts- Part 3

I explored the UNESCO website. I noticed that their objectives are very similar to my goals in the early childhood field. The objectives that are similar to mine are as follows:
·         Attaining quality education for all and lifelong learning
·         Addressing emerging social and ethical challenges
·         Fostering cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue and a culture of peace
·         Building inclusive knowledge societies through information and communication (UNESCO).
My goals for the early childhood field are to help children and families live their best lives possible. I helping these families I want to teach children how to learn. Educate families on valuable resources that will beneficial to them. I want to help strengthen the family bond by promoting positive effective long lasting relationships. As I study early childhood education my goals become clearer and information strengthens my views on education.
With my goals in mind, I know they are not achievable without the help of continued professional developments. I believe networking is a key factor to having continued success. Joining organizations that have the same interest and missions as me will help me advance in this field. One day I hope to known as a leader and role model for other professional who share the same desire to work with children and families. I want to change the lives of children for the best!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Sharing Web Resources

I followed the British Association for Early Childhood Education-  This organization founded in 1923.  The British association for Early Childhood Education advocates quality education for children.  It develops and supports programs for families and children.
The section in the website on Projects and Grants: discussed a new initiative called “New Nursery Schools Now” which advocates the importance of nursery schools in England.  A grant is provided which will allow professionals to research and illustrate effective practices for nursery schools.
Over the past weeks I have been following the Harlem Children’s Zone.  The HCZ organization starts from early childhood to 12th grade and further.  The organization provides equal opportunities to all children.  In studying the HCZ I realized that this is a large community with many dimensions. Once children have completed and early learning program they should be provided with resources to move on to the next level.  The HCZ follows its students throughout their educational experiences which is highly admired.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Getting to Know Your International Contacts: Part 2

I explored the alternative website in order to gain understanding on what other countries contribute to the early childhood field.  The Global Children’s Initiative collaborates with different countries to improve the well-being of young children and families.
In Brazil, the Global Initiative works with policyholders and leaders to implement effective policies with the goal to create and sustain good programs. This project uses the science of children’s health and development to help in helping families in Brazil communities. This project also looks to prepare leader grow in the field.
In Santiago, Chile the Global Initiative created a project called “Good Start.”  This initiative is created to help severe health issues in order to improve school attendance; this project looks to include families in education.  Professional development classes are order to help improve the quality of education. The project addresses severe health issues in order to improve school attendance.  
It’s good to see so many countries are creating services for families and children.  There are so many dimensions to early childhood that can go unnoticed.