Sunday, October 2, 2011

My Connections to Play


"Children learn as they play. Most importantly, in play children learn how to learn. ~O. Fred Donaldson~.
Retrieved from-

"Almost all creativity involves purposeful play" ~Abraham Maskow, American Psychologist~.
Retrieved from-

My essential play items when I was younger: Where ever I went as a child I always carried my coloring/sticker books and dolls.

My family supported play when I was younger by providing options.  I enjoyed playing with dolls, outdoor activities and coloring/drawing.  Because these were some of my favorite play activities my family encouraged more of these types of activities.  I remember having a toy box specifically for my dolls and I had several to choose from.  I had a specific area in my room where I could find all of my coloring supplies and art materials.  When my parents took me outside they made sure the play area was big enough where I could free play and/or swing, slide, and do other playground specific activities.  In parks is where I mastered how to ride a bike. When I colored and drew is where I discovered my talent to draw and create shapes and stay within the lines when coloring.  Play allowed me to master simple and basic concepts in regards to fine and gross motor skills.

I can appreciate how technology plays a huge role in children’s play today. Today many children are restricted to video games/computerized tools.  I have witnessed children sitting in front of a television and/or computer for hours at a time.  When I was younger we experienced more outside play and hands on centered activities. I hope that parents today provide their children with options and more free play.  Children should have several opportunities to explore and use their imaginations.

The role of play never ends from childhood throughout adulthood.  Play does change as a person gets older.  Children and adults should have extracurricular activities; individuals should always indulge in activities that they find pleasurable.  Exploration of the mind should never cease as we become older.  As we get older the things they we’ve mastered trough play as children should be enhanced on higher levels as adults.  For instance, I love the arts; I take time to attend art shows, concerts, and plays.  

1 comment:

  1. Felicia,
    I can remember collecting cat fancy magazines, along with paper doll books, but I collected stickers and I loved the scratch and sniff ones the most. Wow, you brought back some great memories for me. Thank you,for sharing a small piece of your childhood.
